March 2021 - One year since you sloughed the mortal coil....

What as year it has been since you went on your mortal way.

One thing I know is that, had you lived until this year, you would have been miserable - mortified by the bilious bullshit of ‘the trump,’ and torn apart by the tension, the frisson, the savage clash between knowledge and superstition.

Nearly half of our co-americans are sufficiently brainwashed that they have adopted as fact, lies upon lies, fundamental falsehoods, and a fairyland misima of zero sum/zero value/zero worth of magical thinking layered atop as baseline of fundamental, intractable I-Me-Mine personal politics and racial bias as a frosting on the frothy confection of Evangelical Christian fervor and delusion.

What comes now is a matter of push and shove, beg-borrow-and-steal politics thrashing about in Congress and the Senate, with the hope that we’ll be alright if we do this together!?


Vanity at it’s finest.

Greta would have been angry, confused and miserable if confronted with the current battles and BS. I’m satisfied - as only a widow can be - that she’d be grateful to pass on this.

I do not believe that any information: personality, belief, knowledge or knowing can pass beyond the death of a person. Physics, robustly, backs this up. There is NO afterlife, no prelife, no not-life existence. Period.

I saw this in Greta’s face - or rather the meat left behind - that her left cheek, her lips and her lovely chin, began to hang from her fantastic cheek bones, her jaw and her brow. It’s funny when transmogrifying a living thing into a ‘not’ living thing, how the structures that lent shape, form and beauty; release their hold on the visage and begin to be molded not by life, but by the alabaster color and firmness of the skin, hanging from its life scaffold - from the trellis that life used to form her from twigs, to tree, to snag, to food for the billions within us.

Had det godt, Ann-Magreth.